The Next Education System p.2

In my last post I started to mention using a Computer Mainframe (CM) to track students progress instead of grades. As the system gets input from a student it would learn the best ways to teach that student.

For example let’s say a student is having trouble with comprehending a lesson in Mathematics. The CM would use the highest successful method of teaching that lesson first, if the students inputs are not solving the problem/s the CM will adjust and attempt the next most successful method of teaching that lesson.

The CM would also be able to predict what method that student would respond best to and present that method of teaching first. The prediction would be based on all of the inputs from the student over the course of their Mathematics learning career.

A student will also be able to select options they are most comfortable with to assist in learning the material, beyond the CMs suggestions. For instance a student may call on a teacher either on-site or remotely via stream, this call could be taken by any person registered to teach that particular type of math, potentially making millions of teachers available day and night around the globe. The software would simply ask the teacher to accept the request via an APP, kind of like Uber drivers accepting a ride, but this request would hit all instructors at once setup to teach that lesson. A student could also just set up an appointment to learn that material on-site or remotely.

There would be multiple pre-recorded instructional videos on each method a student can choose from, even “subscribing” to a particular instructor whom they feel most comfortable watching, and if this instructor has a video of that lesson recorded, it would play for a student first.

This system also includes hands on learning via the on-site facilities (schools) or can suggest everyday items one could use to apply the lesson in practice wherever you are.

A student never has to worry about falling behind on this type of system because every one is learning at their own pace. The CM will speed the teaching process up in lessons the student is fully comprehending, while slowing down in lessons where the student needs more time and the CM can do this for all subjects at once, easily keeping the student on track for more higher learning when they wish it.

And as an added bonus, it never matters where a student lives, this system is universal and goes wherever they move. Just log in and a person has a perfectly tailored learning system, teaching them the way they like to learn and adapting to them as they change through the years.

This CM also replaces all textbooks. All methods of teaching a subject will be included in this system, there are no biases past a students own personal learning style they get to choose themselves. The more options they have the easier it will be to adapt to each of their needs.

In closing, as a backup, the CM will have a built in failsafe for all students protection. Should a student start to show through their own input to the CM that they are not comprehending critical material (ex. Math needed to perform the next tier of math) the system would reach out to whomever the local teachers are alerting them to further assist the student. Eventually this part of the system would be used less and less as the years of learning best methods from students would allow the CM to predict how to succefully meet all students needs.

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