Resource Management

In order for us to move towards meeting the Universal Basic Needs of a human being, we would need to understand what any given region could comfortably accommodate. Using the technology we have today we could easily compile all resource information, of say a city, into a database that would use mathematics to produce a suggested capacity of humans.

This database can also scale depending on the input given, for instance we would like to allow for more humans to live in a particular region, the CM would adjust and output the required materials to reach that goal. The system would also give us any red flags we may need to be aware of, like the cost of pumping more fresh water to that region, as opposed to moving humans to the water itself.

As always the CM suggestions are just that, but the suggestions are being based off parameters and information that we feed to the system in order for us to make the most informed decisions we can as a species. There will be times when we will have to make tough choices, but at least we will know what it will cost us when we do.

The information we gather will be a some human input, but mainly we will automate the information so we can get accurate responses from the CM at any time. For instance, lets say we need to know the PH levels of our soil in Field A, the system would be able to display that information in real time as it will query the remote “node/s” stuck in the soil of Field A for that response.

Another query we are likely to make is how much fresh water is flowing down a particular river, using a couple of technologies we could produce that information in real-time any day of the year, this of course being important to the water all humans need to survive.

All of the information above and many other queries can draw a clear picture about how many humans we are able to place in that region, this information allows us to meet the Universal Basic Needs much easier for our species worldwide. This can also provide a much needed picture on how best to assist a region during a crisis. For one, if the region is not stressed already from overpopulation it’s possible it will not require much, if any, relief. Two, in the case a great amount of relief is needed, we will know how much and from what other regions we should send that relief. This would also help to organize human bodies flocking to a region to provide assistance, too many bodies flooding into a region to help during a crisis, can do more harm than good.

Eventually our species would have a clear world wide picture of the resources we have available to us and how finite each of those resources are. How much we may use any one resource would depend on how it affects not only the supply, but how it would affect the planet we live on. Overuse of a resource may destory an ecosystem vital to other systems, which will always come back on us humans as we are very aware of our environment. This information would give us the best possible chance of longevity for our species, both in lifespan and humanities exsistance.

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