The Next Education System p.1

Our education systems are outdated. Had we changed our system 20 years ago we could have many Einstein level human beings walking our planet today. Now that seems unlikely doesn’t it? Especially if we take what we currently are taught about human intelligence, which is you are born with it or you are not. 

Now it’s understandable that this assumption has persisted, as we all know most of us were never straight “A” students and the reason was always attributed to intelligence. But what if the reason we do so poorly in school is the system just doesn’t meet the needs of the people?

So what do I propose needs changing? It’s a rather lofty change but the benefits to our species is invaluable. I will present one of many changes in this post and discuss others in further post.

So let’s talk about grades. Grading a person on their progress is an outdated and education inhibiting practice. A person takes those grades as a measurement of their own worth, setting the stage for less of an effort in one or more subjects they under perform in.

Grading of course will open the field for teachers, other students, and parents to further use grades for rewards, punishments, and constant comparisons to other people.

Grades causes undue stress for a student as they are now worried about performing, chasing the grade instead of chasing the knowledge. Teachers are constantly reminding students about this scale, and offering extra work in order to raise the grade.

So if there are no grades how do we know a student has retained the knowledge? A computer mainframe (CM) would track our progress in all our subjects. The CM would adjust the problems and material as the student moves forward in their studies.

A CM would also pose problems randomly to students to ensure they can apply what has been previously learned. The frequency of any given material would slow down, but never disappear completely when the knowledge is critical to know.

A CM can adapt to a student needs faster than any teacher ever could, as it’s gaining knowledge on how the student learns while they use the terminal.

This type of system can also be made to follow the student anywhere they are and on any device they are currently using. Potentially, this could be a lifetime of learning system from birth till death for us all.

I’d say we already are producing systems that work in this capacity, but they are being used to profit off humans instead of teaching them. More on the CM in the next post.

One thought on “The Next Education System p.1”

  1. Schools simply teach people how to become submissive, do as they are told; and perform simple tasks. That’s literally as far as the government’s value the individual. Brick in the wall….

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